Monday, March 2, 2009

Show HTML Code / Script on Post

If we want to display the HTML code on our blog posts, then we need to do a special technique. Sample HTML code that appear on the blog posts are like this.


We can not display the HTML code on our blog posts, if we type the HTML code as usual. If we type the HTML code as usual, the that's code will not appear on our blog posts. Therefore, we need to make some changes to the HTML code that we want to show the blog posts.

To display the HTML code on the blog post, we have to replace < and > appropriate in the following table.

Code Replacement

To change it easily, is easy enough.

  1. Copy the code you want to displayed.
  2. Then open Notepad. Paste all the code that was copied.
  3. Then click the Edit menu.
  4. After that, click on the Replacesubmenu.
  5. Replace dialog box will appear.
  6. Fill the Find What box with the code will be displayed.
  7. Then type in Replace box with the appropriate code as in the table above.
To make you understand more, I will give an example. If you want to show the code <data:post.body/>, you must type the code be like this.

&lt;data:post.body& gt;/

Ok, i think this enough. Happy trying!!!


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