But there are bloggers who feel less comfortable with the navigation bar this (including me

Many bloggers who have to delete them from the blog and they do not get a reprimand from Blogspot. Moreover Blogspot also does not discuss this issue in mendetil. This means not prohibited.

But there is also a template navigation bar is missing, and there is also the default is still there. For those who want to remove it from the Navigation Bar blog, can follow the following steps:
1. Login to your Blogger account.
2. As usual, Layout -> Edit HTML -> mark on Expand Widget Templates .
3. Paste this code into a tag head.
#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;
Blogger Template Style
Name: TicTac
Author: Dan Cederholm
URL: www.simplebits.com
Date: 1 March 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
----------------------------------------------- */
#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;
/* Variable definitions
4. Simpan editan anda dan lihat hasilnya. Kalau tidak bisa berarti kamu masih kurang beruntung

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