Sunday, March 1, 2009

Adding Emoticon to Shoutbox

You love to chat on Yahoo! Messenger? If you have a chat on Yahoo! Messenger, you certainly ever see the unique emoticons Yahoo. That emoticon can use at the time chatting. If we are happy, we can send messages with happy emoticons when chat to our friends.

Not only in Yahoo! Messenger, you can also install emoticons in Yahoo! Messenger on your Shoutbox. Quite easy to do, you need the address / URL of the emoticon. For example the code below is the HTML code from one of the emoticons.

<img border='0' src=''/>

Then address / URL of the image is.

You have to get the URL of the emoticon. To paste this emoticon into Shoutbox, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to Shoutmix.
  2. At Display click Smiley.
  3. Paste the address / URL of the image that you get in the blank box that located under the Smiley Image URL.
  4. Click the Add button beside. You can also add the address of another picture to add more pictures.
  5. Click Save Settings button. Finished.

If you apply the above step, then your Shoutbox will also have the emoticons.


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