Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tracking Blog Statistic with Google Analyticts

If you have blog, of course you want to tracking your blog statistic. And me is one from more blogger that want to know their blog statistic. Examples are tracking Hit Counter, Site Meter Track, and other. Hmm, if you included in the above, you can using service from Google Analyticts. Google Analiticts have several advantages compared to other trackers.

Google tracking points below:

1. Number of visitor every day.
2. Duration of their in our blog.
3. Browser that using for open your blog.
4. Where do they come (example: from other blog that have your link, or from search engine, etc).
5. Of states where they came.
6. Of town where tehy came.
7. Number of visitor age and other.

If you interest with Google Analiticts, you can sign up here. After sign up, Google will gave you a script that must be pasted in your blog. Remember, tracker data from Google updated every day, so, this service different with other tracker service that can change every second .


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